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Rene van Woezik

---Frysian Flag 2000 at Leeuwarden airbase, The Netherlands.

Belgium AF F-16As of OCU from Florennes.
Belgium AF F-16A of OCU from Florennes. Note FS tailcode and ALQ-131 ECM pod under the centerline.
F-15C of 492 FS / 48 FW from Lakenheath receiving fuel on the flightline at Leeuwarden.
F-16AM of the local 322 Sq in take off. Note the ALQ-131 ECM pod.
German F-4F-ICE in burner take off. Normally this JG 73 Phantom is based at Laage.
German MiG-29 Fulcrum of JG73 at Laage seen during landing at LWD.
Lakenheath F-15C in take off from Leeuwarden during FF2000.
Frysian Flag 2000

By: and Hyung Balkema / Aviaview

The Dutch exercise Frysian Flag 2000 (FF2000) was held at Leeuwarden airbase from 4 -15 September.Initially this exercise was known as DIATIT and DIAWACS. Due to the massive participation from 1999 the name Frysian Flag has been allocated, after the district where
the airbase is situated. FF2000 was organized by Capt. Maurice "Skunk" Schonk of the local 323 TACTESS on a low-cost base with the goal to train the multi-national NATO-pilots in a large-scale scenario inetgrating Airforce and Ground Based Air Defences. Most missions
were flown over the North Sea. New was that all Fighter Control and real-time combat was followed locally at Leeuwarden by means of a deployed Bandbox Component instead of from the homestation at Nieuw Milllingen. This system was directed by Captain Michel Bulte of

The Participants; Germany send three MiG-29s and three F-4F-ICEs of JG73 from Laage, seven Belgium F-16A/Ms of the OCU from Florennes, six USAFE F-15Cs of 492 FS from Lakenheath, no less than 28 Dutch F-16A/Ms of 312 Sq and 315 Sq from Volkel and the local 322 and 323 Sq. In addition several High Value Airborne Assets flew from their homebases, like two USAFE KC-135R tankers, one NATO AWACS and a British Sentry.

Last year FF2000 was announced to include Finish F-18s, Swiss F-18s and F-5Es, Swedish Viggens or Gripens as well as a US Navy delegation of F-14s and F/A-18s. The non-NATO members send only observers this year and are to participate in Frysian Flag 2001 to be held mid October 2001. The planned Strike Eagles did not join FF2000 as they just had a
two-week exercise at Denmark. Lessons learned last year made the US Navy anxious to participate. The official reason for their absence was that there was no aircraft carrier in the neighbourhood.

So when all goes well FF2001 will be even bigger and more diverse!

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