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---Aircraft database

(C) EJ v Koningsveld / airshowreport
The Republic Thunderbolt P-47D is an American build fighter
aircraft which made its first flight in 1943. 
In total 7179 P-47Ds have been build.
Wing span:              40 ft 10 in (12,44 m)
Lenght:                 36 ft 2 in (11,02 m)
Height:                 14 ft 2 in (4,31 m)
Max.speed:              363 mph (584 km/h)
Empty weight:           10,000 lbs (4536 kg)
Max weight:             17,500 lbs (7938 kg)
Powerplant:             R-2800-59/63 with water injection
Thrust:                 2,535 hp (3400 Kw)