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---Aircraft database

(C) EJ v Koningsveld / airshowreport
The Dynamics/Grumman F-111E is an American made all-weather attack
Wing span:                        19,2 m.(wings forward)
Wing span:                        9,74 m.(wings swept)
Length:                           22,40 m.
Height:                           5,22 m.
Max. speed:                       Mach 2.2 (2335 km/h, 1450 mph.)
Max. altitude:                    60,000 ft.(18290 m.)
Empty weight:                     46,172 lbs.(20944 kg.)
Max. weight:                      91,300 lbs.(41415 kg.)
Powerplant:                       two Pratt & Whitney TF30-P-3
                                  afterburning turbofans
Thrust:                           18,500 lbs.(8392 kg.) 
                                  (thrust each, with afterburner)